September 28, 2012

Designer of the Week @

Hello folks! It’s Designer of the Week time and today I have the pleasure of introducing you to Ter and Pat, creative design duo behind children’s label Kidinc. In front of the review panel this week is the “Marilyn” tee, as tested by 2 year old Casey and her big brother Max (oh, and Mum Caroline as well).

The Product Review
The Marilyn design comes printed on a 100% premium soft cotton jersey tee which washed up well and held its shape (even after a tumble dry). However, the design on the front is where all the action happens! Gracing this tee is iconic Hollywood legend Marilyn Monroe, as re-imagined (with a Warhol slant) by Kidinc.
I love the cheerful pops of colour on this tee. Combined with the signature Kidinc mouth, the finished result is a quirky experience in modern art that appeals to both kids and their parents.
The t-shirt that we reviewed was a size 2-3, but in fact it ended up as a “fitted tee” on Mister-Four-and-a-Half who took a shine to it after deciding that Kidinc’s Marilyn absolutely had to be Brobee’s Mum (Yo Gabba Gabba)!
The Verdict… Iconic, quirky and just plain fun.

The Indie Label
Kidinc came to life in July 2011 with their debut collection of onesies and tees. The label is a creative project of design duo Ter (who had worked as a graphic designer for 10 years) and Pat (an advertising creative with an interest in fashion).
They explain, “We took one look at the children’s clothing market and were convinced it was time for a new look. While the market is littered with conformist designs for children to stay as bland and incognito as possible, Kidinc hopes to shock and awe, to infuse a little attitude into the kids who are cool enough to “Rock n’ Grow” (Kidinc’s tagline).

The Creative Mind
The Kidinc Mouth Graphic is one of the most recognisable features of Ter and Pat’s label, and was the starting point for their branding.
“We came up with our logo first. We wanted to have a cute mark that universally represents babies and kids. This led us to create this big smiling, drooling mouth as the logo. We also wanted our brand name to be straight-forward by having the word ‘kid’ in it, so people would smile and be happy when they see our logo. Then we said why don’t we just have Kids Inc.? So we combined the two words into ‘Kidinc’. It’s not only pronounced as ‘kid inc’ but ‘kidding’ as well!”

The Whimsical Spirit
Here’s three fun facts about Ter and Pat (in their own words):
  1. Ter loves to draw and sketch- into funny and humorous graphics.
    Pat loves fashion- follows the latest trends.
  2. After I have done all the research on what’s out there, what’s on trend, we both throw out ideas, go through elimination, leaving the best ones for final discussion.
  3. All of our designs are created based on what we like and what we love to see on kids.
The Handmade Collection
Kidinc creates a range of clothing for little folk including onesies, t-shirts and jeans, as well as tees for Mum and Dad. You can shop online for your favourites, or visit Kidinc on Facebook to keep up with the latest news.

September 27, 2012

Kidinc Sale At the ISLAND EAST MARKETS on Sep 30!

Come visit us @ The Island East Market this coming Sun (Sep30)!!!
Venue: Tong Chong Street, TaiKoo Place
Time: 10-5pm

September 26, 2012

Remember to Vote for Kidinc!!!

Help~ please support Kidinc by voting for us @the World T-shirt Tour!
Simply click on below image or go to & “Like” it under the post.
*Votes are only counted on

September 25, 2012

神速kidinc_貨到了! @ Diana's Private Party

前幾日同大家分享過Kidinc呢個品牌, 唔知大家有冇去睇睇 --->

我星期四晚落單, 星期六早就收到, 佢地既效率好值得表揚啊!!!!

雖然一早知將會收到Kidinc既衫, 但到真係收到時都好開心! (可能因為佢地既包裝真係好靚~)
承熹見到都好開心!!! 大人同細路都一樣, 有禮物收幾時都咁開心 有得拆禮物就更加期待~ 嘩嘩嘩!!!! 
我就係揀左呢四件啦!!!!! 因為影相公司建議盡量唔好著白色衫, 怕會撞左底色, 所以我揀左黑色同灰色
我之前最擔心既係 ------ 唔啱著! 因為生完之後完全肥到爆炸, 所以落單都只敢試住一件先, 我揀左男裝中碼俾自己, 好彩都啱身!!!  依家可以放心買埋其他心水Tees....yeah!

啲quality好好, 唔會硬崩崩, 唔錯唔錯!  妹妹個件都好soft~

承熹一見到個包裝已經問, 點解佢流口水既?? 哈!!! 跟住見到人地個招牌就不停攞黎玩, 佢話佢要食雪條喎~ 小朋友真係乜都玩到一餐

親身試後覺得除左好啱自用外, 最啱都係用黎送俾人, 俾個surprise朋友麻!!!!


September 24, 2012

Thank you Mami Diana for supporting Kidinc~

之前提過下承熹契媽有個朋友開左間online shop, 有賣大人及童裝, 入面既衫係100%自家Design, 好特別, 又有型!

黎緊10月同11月我book左兩間Studio會影全家福(終於等到妹妹識坐了!!!), 我第一時間諗起Kidinc, 揀返幾件親子裝影相!!!!!

其實市面上都有啲牌子偶然會出親子裝, 但好多時都係母女裝, 好難搵父子或母子!!!

加上始終大牌子出既衫周圍都有, 好容易撞衫, 而且design 一般般, 所以我都好少買, 但 Kidinc 既design就啱我心水, 鐘意佢較特別同埋好Stylish, 又唔怕通街撞衫, 難怪大少都讚好!!!

依家佢地on Sale, 大家有興趣可以入去睇睇!!!!!!
連著名設計師Johanna Ho 都有買到Kidinc既Little Miss gaga同佢個女一齊著啊, 可見佢地地既design真係好潮呢~

佢地啲包裝都好特別, 用黎送禮俾nb baby 或朋友仔都好適合!

September 13, 2012

Kidinc @ World T-shirt Tour

Hi all Kidinc fans, we're very excited to be 1 of the 30 designers to participate in the World T-shirt Tour! Please support Kidinc by voting for us!!!

Simply click on below image or go to & "Like" it under the post.
*Votes are only counted on

You can also enter the World T-shirt Tour Prize Draw to win one of the thirty t-shirts!